The Fly by Katherine Mansfield (full audiobook)

Publishedin1922,TheFlyisoftenheraldedasoneofKatherineMansfield'sfinestshortstories.Butitdoesnotrewardlazyreaders!,TheFlybyKatherineMansfieldisapowerfulstoryaboutlossandgrief.Ithitsthenailontheheadwithitsthemes,eveninsuchashort ...,Thebosstookupap...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Fly

Published in 1922, The Fly is often heralded as one of Katherine Mansfield's finest short stories. But it does not reward lazy readers!

Book Review: The Fly (Katherine Mansfield).

The Fly by Katherine Mansfield is a powerful story about loss and grief. It hits the nail on the head with its themes, even in such a short ...

[PDF] College Lit 2014

The boss took up a pen, picked the fly out of the ink, and shook it on to a piece of blotting-paper. For a fraction of a second it lay still on the dark patch ...

The Fly (Mansfield short story)

The Fly is a 1922 short story by Katherine Mansfield. Mansfield wrote the story in February 1922 at the Victoria Palace Hotel in Montparnasse, Paris.

The Fly

To read online for free : The Fly by Katherine Mansfield since 7 years. You like ? Vote for this work! - Short Édition.                          

The Fly by Katherine Mansfield | Summary, Theme & Setting

The fly symbolizes perseverance and grief as well as death. While the fly struggles to survive a near-drowning in an inkwell, it perseveres through hardship.

The Fly by Katherine Mansfield

評分 3.5 (767) “The Fly,” written in February 1922, primarily concerns the loss of a young British soldier in World War I and the effects of his death on his father.

The Fly Study Guide | Literature Guide

In “The Fly” Mansfield directly explores the aftermath of warfare at both a personal and national level. Other Books Related to The Fly. A ... The Fly · The Fly Summary & Analysis · Plot Summary · Characters

The Fly Full Text and Analysis

“The Fly,” written in February 1922, primarily concerns the loss of a young British soldier in World War I and the effects of his death on his father.

The Fly: Study Guide

Katherine Mansfield's short story “The Fly” first appeared in the British publication The Nation and Athenaeum in 1922. Set in the shadow of World War I, ...


Publishedin1922,TheFlyisoftenheraldedasoneofKatherineMansfield'sfinestshortstories.Butitdoesnotrewardlazyreaders!,TheFlybyKatherineMansfieldisapowerfulstoryaboutlossandgrief.Ithitsthenailontheheadwithitsthemes,eveninsuchashort ...,Thebosstookupapen,pickedtheflyoutoftheink,andshookitontoapieceofblotting-paper.Forafractionofaseconditlaystillonthedarkpatch ...,TheFlyisa1922shortstorybyKatherineMa...